7/29/2024 - Our suicide prevention campaign has launched. USAF vet and retired firefighter Patrick Romeo rides 10,000 miles from Florida to Alaska on bike 988 (suicide hotline). He partnered with Resurrecting Lives to raise awareness. Watch the News Nation video with Marni Hughes, Patrick Romeo, and Dr. Chrisanne Gordon."
9/2/2024 - USAF vet and retired firefighter Patrick Romeo finished his 10,000 miles ride from Florida to Alaska on bike 988 (suicide hotline). He partnered with Resurrecting Lives to raise awareness. Watch the News Nation video with Marni Hughes, Patrick Romeo, and Dr. Chrisanne Gordon."
In Alaska, the winters mean shorter days, with longer nights which change brain chemicals and may lead to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD has similar symptoms to depression. That’s where SAD lights come in - Light Therapy is effective in decreasing depression and increasing motivation.
in his transcontinental 10,000-mile Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge to raise awareness and funds for Veterans' suicide prevention.
Supporting USAF Veteran Patrick Romeo in his transcontinental 10,000-mile Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge to raise awareness and funds for Veterans' suicide prevention.
My name is Patrick Romeo, returning rider 988. In 2020, I rode for Resurrecting Lives Foundation. They are a foundation whose mission is "to coordinate & advocate for the successful transition to a post-military career & life for veterans with traumatic brain injury (TBI)." Finishing in thirteen days and having accomplished what I set out to do, I didn’t think I would do the ride again, having nothing to prove. Then, in July of 2022, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline's 10-digit number was replaced with the roll-out of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Knowing 22 veterans die by suicide daily in the United States and that the VA estimates veteran suicides at slightly more than 1.5 times higher than that of non-veterans (even higher for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Veterans), the fact that the new three-digit phone number and my rider were both 988 seemed more than coincidence. It was too late to enter the 2022 Hoka Hey, so I called Dr. Gordon (Founder of Resurrecting Lives Foundation) to inform her of the 988 connection and that I was once again riding the Hoka Hey in 2024. So, while I will be once again riding for the Resurrecting Lives Foundation and our Veterans, our focus this year will be on Veteran suicides and the 988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline.