RLF presents "We Need You Now Too"
This PSA won the 2025 GOLD ADDY AWARD in Akron!
A Gold ADDY Award is the highest honor given at the American Advertising Awards, which recognize creative excellence in advertising.
086 | Public Service Online Film, Video & Sound
Award: Gold ADDY
Entrant: Appleridge Productions
Client: Resurrecting Lives Foundation
Title: We Need You Now Too
Dr. Chrisanne Gordon, Producer
Mario Ricciardi, Director/Editor
Daniel Hobel, Production Assistant/Sound
Brady Sklenar, Production Assistant
David Leach, Production Assistant
Erik Varga, Production Assistant
Lawrence Adimora, Principal Talent
Jessica Halas, Principal Talent
Appleridge Productions is a Youngstown, Ohio-based video production company. They intermix a range of production styles to accommodate projects in manufacturing, healthcare, food/beverage, and film projects as well. Appleridge Productions is an Addy Award-winning company and loves getting to be a part of bringing high-quality production value to the Midwest.
Over 34,000 deaths by suicide in our Veterans from the Global War on Terror - compared to 7100 deaths from combat - And that number is growing - Soon, there will be over 5 times as many Veterans who die by suicide, as opposed to combat - That is a somber statistic that I'm asking all of us to contemplate during September, National Suicide Prevention Month. WE ALL must bridge this military/civilian gap where less than 1% of our nation serves and the other 99% of us, although thanking them for their service, are clueless or reluctant to get involved in those very difficult situations where life and death are literally at stake - SO PLEASE KEEP READING - This is vital information for the 99% of us who can positively affect a Veterans future - and the future of their families - which will ultimately strengthen our nation.
Please note an applicable observation by South African Anglican Bishop Desmond Tutu:
“There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.”
This is where I feel we are at, no, let me rephrase that comment
THAT IS WHERE we have BEEN - for nearly 20 years - and it needs to end NOW!
Thomas Joiner, PhD, expert and author in the field of Suicide mentions in his noted book - Why People Die By Suicide - that three factors are present in this most final act:
1. A desire to take one's own life
2. An ability to take one's own life
3. A feeling of being a burden
And we all need to swim upstream and EASE the BURDEN on our returning military members and their families; not just to welcome our Veterans home by lip service, but by demonstrating our own SERVICE to them.
Health Care Providers– Diagnose and treat Traumatic Brain Injuries, the signature wound of the Global War on Terror. These horrific numbers reveal that far too many Veterans have no diagnosis, much less a treatment for brain injuries in training and combat. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a chemical brain disturbance where holistic measures often can be utilized to call the brain; soothe the soul; and heal the spirit.
Educators – Open your doors - colleges; universities; trade, and Fuel our Veterans’ passions for life and success and open the doors to their future
Employers – do not just hire Veterans – EMPLOY them; TRAIN them to become the valued members of your team for which they are destined to lead - They are, at their core, team players – Willing to give their lives for their last employer – SO go the extra mile for them – They offered their lives for you.
Citizens – Embrace them and their families in your churches; your community activities; your societies and civic associations – Bring them into your daily life. Encourage new missions such as food security and sustainability – a passion that is consistent with their innate desire to better humanity.
We can all do this together - WE MUST ALL DO THIS TOGETHER -
So jump in the water head first and begin swimming upstream - If you start to falter in your strokes – fear not - Veterans will be there to save you - Will you be there for them?
Appleridge Productions is a Youngstown, Ohio based video production company. They intermix a range of production style to accommodate projects in manufacturing, healthcare, food-beverage, and film projects as well. Appleridge Productions is an Addy Award-Winning company and loves getting to be a part of bringing high-quality production value to the Midwest.
Brainstorms is a short film that shines a spotlight on Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) among U.S. veterans. It follows a veteran who received a concussive blast during a tour of duty, and then tries to assimilate back into civilian life with the invisible injury. The film offers audiences an experiential account of what life is like for veterans suffering with a TBI.
Brainstorms made its world premiere at the prestigious Soho International Film Festival in New York City in October 2022. It also has screened at the Cinema Columbus Film Festival and GI Film Festival in San Diego, where Brainstorms won Best Narrative Short and Best Actor.
The film was written and directed by award-winning filmmakers Julie Pacino and Aron Meinhardt. It was produced by Corpus Callosum Creations and Tiny Apples, Pacino’s production banner. Brainstorms was created through a special grant from RLF, and is based on RLF Founder Dr. Chrisanne Gordon's book Turn the Lights On!
We are thrilled to see Brainstorms expanding its reach worldwide, bringing awareness and education on the issue of TBI and thereby influencing healing for our brothers and sisters.
Watch the Brainstorms trailer.
A vet suffering from TBI plays Itsy Bitsy Spider with this daughter. The game helps reconnect fine motor skills and improves cognitive functions (scene from Brainstorms).
Left untreated, TBI can place enormous stress on families (scene from Brainstorms).
“Operation Resurrection” is a documentary dedicated to defining and promoting coordinated solutions to the health, education, and employment issues that our Iraq (OIF-Operation Iraqi Freedom) and Afghanistan (OEF-Operation Enduring Freedom) veterans face when they return home.
Operation Resurrection highlights the lives of several veterans who have returned and demonstrates the strategies utilized for successful reintegration. Solutions to health, education, and employment will be discussed with a highly skilled team of experts, several of whom are volunteering their own time, and trying new programs to help these struggling heroes find health, education, and employment. The documentary demonstrates how The Department of Defense, The Veterans Administration, and civilian healthcare facilities must share technology, data, and patients for healing to occur on a large scale. With the healing of each veteran comes an improved strength to the family, the community, the nation, and the world.