Resurrecting Lives Foundation is a national nonprofit organization focused on preventing suicides among U.S. service members and veterans by raising awareness of and advocating treatment for undiagnosed or untreated cases Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
The foundation advocates for veterans within their local communities and refers them to local hospitals and clinics to provide diagnostics and treatment. It also actively partners with other established 501(c)(3) organizations to coordinate programs and resources such as job training and career opportunities for veterans following their treatment and during ongoing recovery. (Tax ID: 45-3554793)
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Our logo shows military members emerging from the “Rorschach Test.” The Rorschach inkblot test, the Rorschach technique, or simply “the inkblot test” has been employed to detect underlying thought disorder, especially in cases where patients are reluctant to describe their thinking processes openly. The test is named after its creator, Swiss physiologist Hermann Rorschach. We want to emphasize to our returning military heroes with Traumatic Brain Injury that they are “out of their brains, not out of their minds.”
The most common inkblot is the butterfly, pictured in our logo. This signifies the many changes that occur when a person goes to war, and then returns. No other living creature changes more than the butterfly. No other creature is more beautiful nor signifies freedom more than the butterfly. We salute our heroes from Iraq and Afghanistan who survived the war to return to us, and we are here to assist with rehab and reintegration, helping them to stay firmly grounded while finding their “wings.” Resurrecting Lives Foundation salutes graphic designer, Emmy Hoy Mitchell for her creativity in developing our logo. We appreciate her ongoing commitment in time, energy and creativity to our heroes, and our foundation.
On January 9, 2008, 20-year-old Sgt. Zachary McBride lost his life after he and five of his comrades entered a home in Sinsil, Iraq, which was booby trapped with explosives.
Sgt. McBride had chosen to defray college life and the promise of scholarships, and instead volunteered for the ARMY. Like so many young volunteers, Zachary was in school when he watched the events of 9/11 and decided, on that day, that he would join the Army.
His death changed many worlds that day, one of which was the founder of Resurrecting Lives, Dr. Chrisanne Gordon. On that day, she dedicated herself to making a change for our returning veterans.
On July 19, 2010, 27-year-old U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Brian F. Piercy, 82nd Airborne Division, died in Arghandab River Valley, Afghanistan, of injuries sustained when insurgents denotated an improvised explosive device where he was walking.
Staff Sgt. Piercy, always a leader and a patriot, is one of eight young heroes who have perished in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan from his high school in Clovis, California.
His brother, Kevin, also served with him at Fort Bragg. Brian is the inspiration for the Fort Bragg employment program that will allow military members to obtain a job and an education prior to military separation.
RESURRECTING LIVES FOUNDATION was established in Dublin, Ohio in 2012.
2012: IRS charter received. Presentation to Army Medical Corps. Ft. Sam Houston to request dedicated Suicide Prevention line for Veterans Administration.
2013: Operation Resurrection screens on Capitol Hill. Six weeks later, the first legislation to officially mention TBI was introduced by Sen. Joe Donnelly.
2014: Landmark Neuroradiologic study supported by RLF and performed by Michael Lipton, MD/PhD at Albert Einstein College of Medicine defines the blast injury in terms of anatomical brain disruptions in our veterans with TBI. Funding in collaboration with AMVETS post #26 in Mansfield, Ohio.
2015: Cardinal Health begins partnership with RLF to focus on employment initiative, "Invest in Vets," which is signed into the Ohio State Budget by Governor John Kasich raising awareness for employment initiatives for veterans with TBI.
2016: Veterans Summit sponsored by US Congress members Steve Stivers (R) and Joyce Beatty (D) and attended by Sec. VA Bob McDonald where the VA pledged to ensure appointments within 2 weeks of military discharge for those in employment initiative.
2017: Dr. Lipton study results are published: Mu W, Catenaccio E, Lipton ML. Neuroimaging in Blast-Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 2017, 32(1):55-69, funded with AMVETS Post #26.
2018: RLF participated in a PBS documentary. 'America's Veterans - Our Heroes in Uniform" - produced by Ron Ponder and discussing the issues related to struggling with TBI.
2019: Dr. Gordon launched a national book tour for her manual of HOPE for those with TBI - Turn the Lights On' In partnership with Blue Star Mothers.
2020: RLF adjusts to the global pandemic by engaging in virtual activities to deal with Veterans' isolation & depression including online Comedy Tour, Book Club, Mindfulness Therapy, TBI informative webinars.
2021: ‘Turn the Lights On’ Now audible book available on Amazon RLF co-produces the short film Brainstorms to shine a light on the veterans' experience of living with a traumatic brain injury.
2022: Brainstorms premiers at the Soho International Film Festival in New York.
2023: Brainstorms wins Best Narrative Short and Best Actor awards at the GI Film Festival in San Diego. The film also screened at the Cinema Columbus Film Festival. Launched Veterans Stand Together Across America (VSTAA) on Nov. 1st at the National Veterans Memorial and Museum.