Dr. Mark Zeller provides problem solving research for small business and higher education organizations. Information and resources are provided for markets, industry, organization structure, public relations and legal and regulatory environments.
He currently teaches at Ohio’s Wright State University and Tiffin University at the undergraduate and doctoral level. His experience includes 32 years experience in the international/global transportation parts manufacturing industry, including 19 years as CEO. As CEO, he developed and implemented programs bringing about the global expansion of manufacturing, sales, marketing, and distribution operations. After years in the corporate world, he returned to graduate school, earning graduate degrees in 2001 and 2006, followed by post-doctoral positions with research addressing regional economic and geographic factors in institutional organizational structures.
His research concentrates on global and cultural use of social network structures, communication and strategic behaviors, information flow and media uses applied to strategic innovations and diffusion of innovations, particularly by academic, government, and enterprise leaders (Triple Helix).
A current focus of Dr. Zeller’s research is a sustainable Great Lakes ecosystem, concentrating on the Maumee Valley Watershed. The emphasis is on scalable smart information communication technologies, with Northwest Ohio as a global leader at the intersection of sustainable agriculture and smart water technology.
He earned a BA in Economics at Denison University and MA and PhD degrees in Communication Studies at Bowling Green State University.